FAST TRACK is the #1 tech workforce development program in the nation. We take Black women and those under the poverty line from techie-in-training to employed junior technologists in one year or less! That means education, dedicated mentors, resume assistance, and internships! Keep reading to learn more or click on one the button below to get involved.
Android Engineer, UX/UI Designer, Data Scientist! Which do you want to be?

Google has partnered with us to give our students scholarships to their online courses. They have training in Android Engineering, UX/UI Design, and Data Analysis. The Google Career Certificate program can help you get on the fast track to a competitively paid job in a high-growth field. You don’t need relevant experience or a degree to complete this flexible, online job training. Just put the skills, passion, and ambition you already have to work.
Free Macbook, iPhone, and learning stipends

Our program is targeting Black women and those under the poverty line. That being said, we understand the financial barriers that come with committing time to learning something for free. In response to these challenges, our program is an earn-to-learn program where students will earn $1000 for every course milestone they achieve ($6000 total).
We’re also aware that not everyone has access to a computer or phone. To address this, every student in our program gets a new Macbook and iPhone.
A mentor employed in your field of study

Data shows that only 5% of people finish their online courses. This is because when you get stuck, searching online can only take you so far. You need a real live person who’s been there and can hold your hand to the next step. Every program participant receives a dedicated mentor that is employed in their field of study at reputable tech companies.
Full-time Internships

A fast track into the industry isn’t complete without on-the-job training. We’ve partnered with Shopify to give internships to our students in data, design, and development. Their internships are full-time, well paid and as long as you perform well there’s a high chance you’ll be hired.
In the event that you don’t receive the job from Shopify, we’ve partnered with CareerCircle to give all of our students resume assistance and interview connections. CareerCircle’s whole business model is to get diverse people like you into interviews at top tech companies.
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For other questions email info@webuildblack.com
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